Peak10 Strategies March 2025
Exceptional real-time trading strategies.

Peak builds
exceptional strategies.
Kevin Davey
Author, “Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems”
Exceptional real-time trading strategies.
Every Peak10 Strategy Package includes
Ten TradeStation Workspace files
ten .TXT format files with the full EasyLanguage code logic for each Peak10 strategy
TradeStation & MultiCharts .ELD strategy code files
Peak’s Quick Start trading guide
Turn your good trading strategies into exceptional,
hedge-fund quality trading systems.
Peak Filters
Any Questions?
Algorithmic trading - often called algo trading, systematic trading, or quant trading - is a rule-based approach to executing trade orders based on changes in market conditions such as price and trading volume. Essentially, it’s asking a computer to trade on your behalf, using predefined rules.
Algo trading has many benefits versus discretionary trading:
Traders can backtest trading logic using historical data, giving them more confidence in their trading approach.
Algo trading systems quickly react and adapt to changing market conditions without human input.
Traders can build a more diversified portfolio across stocks, interest rates, currencies, commodities, and cryptos.
Algo traders can use algorithmic trading systems for analysis, incorporating fundamental and non-fundamental data (‘quantamentals’).
We publish new videos every month on the Peak Trading Research YouTube channel, which includes our free Peak Algo Trading Full Course.
The Peak10 strategies are a rotating list of EasyLanguage trading strategies that have been performing exceptionally well in real-time on new, out-of-sample data.
This Peak10 list represents some of the best strategies built and tested by Peak Trading Research.
Peak10 strategies can be easily imported into any EasyLanguage platform like TradeStation or Multicharts.
The trade logic can also be translated into any proprietary trading platform built using coding languages like Python, R, or C#. This is why we also provide clients with .TXT files every month.
Still have some questions?